Everyone looks forward to the yearly vacation. At least I do. One of the regular issues we meet is the question of where to spend our vacation. Sure, you can always get suggestions and you end up with the usual answers. "Let's go to Orlando, Europe or Mexico". Been there, done that. Except for Mexico. A cruise perhaps? It is an idea worth considering. "How about Branson, Missouri". What? Where? Branson, Missouri? Why should we go there?
Why indeed should we visit Branson? The answer lies in an event that occurred over a year ago. My Aunt had gone to the East Coast of the United States with a few of her cousins from Chicago, to visit other relatives. You can say they had so much fun they wanted a repeat reunion. We were invited to meet the "Pineda" side of the family. After a few months, they had decided that they would have it in Branson. It helped that the place we plan to stay in, Westgate, had two locations there. We thought if they invested in two locations here, then it must be a place worth visiting.
The first order of the day is to figure out how far this place is from where we live. Maryland to Branson, Missouri is a 16-hour drive! And I thought Orlando was a challenge. This is not a trip we can take without stopping. The plan was to locate a safe location that is closest to the midpoint, an 8-hour drive. And that is Indianapolis, Indiana. We will drive a car and have 4 drivers alternate every 2 hours. Good plan, I say. I told my wife, "Let us go to Branson and attend the reunion, even if nobody else goes. It will be an adventure". And of course, I had to invite my parents. They are staying in California so we need to figure out how to get hem from the Springfield airport in Missouri. I also invited my siblings from New Jersey. It wouldn't be much of a reunion without them. It took working around schedules but after much haggling and several starts and stops, the majority of the family will make the trip. And Lynne's cousin/uncle from New York will be in attendance.

Another major issue that needed to be cleared is food. Who buys, who cooks and who pays. The first two issues are easy enough, my wife Lynne takes the lead here. As for who pays, not so easy. I have noticed that during these situations, like vacations, there us a race to see who will pay for . This can be in the grocery or even in a restaurant. What I suggested is that each family hand over to Lynne $100 each for grocery shopping or any other purchases that are used or consumed in the timeshare. Any other expenses like eating out in a restaurant or the rides will be Dutch treat. Again, everybody is in agreement. I can see those nods, even if reluctantly.
With these decisions now out of the way, we went to bed. Rest was imperative.
The Trip to Branson
The day began as expected, late. I was prepared to leave by 6am. But after getting up late, loading luggage in the van and breakfast, we started off closer to 10am. That is ok. We can still make it to Indianapolis as scheduled if we do not stop too often. Wasn't expecting that to happen but one can always dream.
Aside from multiple stops for lunch and rest, construction along interstate 70 and the rain slowed us down. We arrived at our hotel in Indianapolis around 9pm. We were so hungry that after dropping off our luggage's we went straight to Steak and Shake restaurant.
We arrived at Branson between 8pm and 9pm. We stayed at Westgate Woods, a timeshare. There was confusion about the building we were staying in. We drove to the wrong one. The concierge had to find us and set us straight.
So finally, we are here. The kids are bringing up the luggage and I was identifying which room this person would occupy. It was also time to ask the concierge the question "What in Branson will make this visit unique? Why does it exist?" This is the question I posted to our concierge. Without hesitation, he answered, "The shows. These were the first attractions in Branson and is what and still keeps it on the map. There is also the Silver rides (Six flags-like) and Table Rock state park".
The Shows
The first show we considered was "The Showboat" dinner and cruise. The idea of having dinner and watching a show while cruising around a lake sounds romantic. After considering pros and cons, we decided it was too expensive. There are just too many of us. We also considered "The 60's", "Tribute to ABBA" (not too popular) and "Moses". It was difficult to get a consensus, my kids, nephews, and niece in their late teens to early 20's. The rest of us are in our early 50's or early 70's. It is good that the story of Moses spans generations, so that is the first show we watched. Later in the week, the elders watched "The 60's".
It can be said that the shows are comparable to what you can expect in Broadway or any other similar locations. According to my wife the show Moses is a standout. Not because the were much better performers than everybody else but with the choreography and presentation. The show used three stages and, from my understanding, magic tricks.

Branson is a typical vacation spot. You can find the usual rides like roller coasters, bungee jumps, bumper cars. A museum of the Titanic, in the shape of the titanic. Minerals and other cool looking stones can be purchased after a visit to the caverns that dot the area. Alas, the cavern we went to could not compare to Lurey caverns in Virginia. At least according to my daughter.
You will also find campgrounds, for those who love camping. And horseback riding. My nephews and niece were excited to go horseback riding. More so was my kid's uncle who has never been on a horse before.
I wish I could speak in a first voice to how good the shows were, or the rides where. But I can't. Turns out being one of two people able to drive the van means I am also the driver who takes everyone around, although not all the time. For grocery shopping or to the outlets, I was definitely out. For those, we could use the smaller vehicles. But for the others, I had to content myself to driving people from point A to B, then back or to C.
The Reunion
The next day, we met again, ostensibly for karaoke night at their timeshare. It turned out to be more of a "watch our YouTube videos" night that quickly became boring.
Paige had a very specific plan for tis trip. She will paint outdoors. There isn't plenty of time to go around town looking for the perfect scene. Luckily there was a small waterfall next to the building we were staying in. Sha started painting at 4pm, and we ended at 730pm, when there was not enough light and the creepy creatures of the night had started to stir. If you have time, you will find plenty of scenic mountain areas in and around Branson.
The Trip Back Home
The trip back home is a mirror of the trip to Missouri. We started late, we stopped at Indiana. There was construction along interstate 70. We took fewer stops.
The Recommendation
So, if you are asking if I recommend people visit Branson, I say yes. Will I consider going back? Not if I had to drive again. It is just too far and there is nothing that unique. But my recommendation will change if I lived a few hundred miles closer.
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